Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cool Tribal Bird Back Tattoo Designs

Cool Tribal Bird Back Tattoo DesignsCool Tribal Bird Back Tattoo Designs

Temporary Henna Tattoo Designs

Temporary Henna Tattoo DesignsTemporary Henna Tattoo Designs

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Half Sleeve Buddha Tattoo Design

Half Sleeve Buddha Tattoo DesignHalf Sleeve Buddha Tattoo Design

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Military Tattoo Designs

Military Tattoo DesignsTattoos have a history going back thousands of years, and very possibly tens of thousands. The earliest absolute evidence of tattoos is from the skin of a famous mummy who came to be known as Otzi. Otzi is a mummy who was found trapped in the glacial ice of the Alps in the early 1990s. Originally thought to be someone who died relatively recently, after further examination, he was found to be over 5000 years old. Among the many interesting things scientists learned about Otzi is that he had tattoos still visible on his mummified skin. Rather than the tattoos we expect to see in modern days such as symbols, animals and plantlife, Otzi's tattoos were mostly made of a series of lines. The lines were over areas in his body where the scientists also found evidence of arthritis or other painful conditions, so they believe that his tattoos may have been medicinal rather than ornamental.

Military Tattoo DesignsLong before Otzi was tattooed in the Bronze Age, there is evidence recovered during archaeological digs of probable tattoo implements as early as the Upper Paleolithic period (38,000 - 10,000 BC). These implements included red ochre, needles, and bone cups stained with ochre. Some figurines discovered from the same time period had designs on their skin, adding more circumstantial evidence to the belief that these very ancient people tattooed their skin.

Moving forward in history, we also know that the ancient Egyptians tattooed themselves. The first tattooed Egyptians were from the Middle Kingdom period (2160-1994 BC). The most famous tattooed Egyptian mummy from that period was a priestess named Amunet, who was discovered in Thebes. Amunet had tattooed lines and dots arranged in ornamental patterns on her chest, back, pelvis and legs. The tattoos on her back and chest were patterns of necklaces, belts and collars that were clearly ornamental. The tattoos over her pelvis were believed to enhance fertility.

Military Tattoo DesignsIn Ancient Rome, most tattoos weren't ornamental in nature, but were used in a much different way. Tattoos were used to track people who might otherwise be able to escape, desert or avoid identification. Slaves, prisoners, gladiators, Christians and mercenaries were all tattooed for these reasons. Soldiers, on the other hand, chose to be tattooed. Military tattoos were considered a great source of pride for the Roman soldier. Soldiers tattooed themselves to indicate their legion or unit and their rank, as well as for commemorative reasons such as for important battles or acts of bravery. The most common places for tattoos among Roman soldiers were on the face and the hands, presumably because the tattoos could be easily seen and their meanings quickly conveyed, but other areas of the body were often tattooed as well.

Members of many other ancient societies also tattooed themselves for various reasons. If you are interested in learning more about the history of tattoos, some other societies who have an interesting tattoo history are the early societies of Great Britain and Western Europe, South America, and Asia and the Pacific Rim.

Best Scorpion Tattoo Designs

Scorpion Tattoo DesignsScorpion Tattoo Designs

Scorpion Tattoo DesignsScorpion Tattoo Designs

The scorpion tattoo design is probably one of the most attractive tattoos inked today. They are usually quite intricate and have a somewhat sinister meaning behind them. The problem with using a scorpion as the subject of your tattoo design is that it requires more thought and planning than many other designs. The reason for this is due to the extreme complexity in their body structure.

Back Piece Phoenix Tattoo Design

Back Piece Phoenix Tattoo Design

Back Piece Phoenix Tattoo Design

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cute Dragonfly Tattoo Design

Cute Dragonfly Tattoo DesignCute Dragonfly Tattoo Design

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Best Tattoo Designs for Girls

Old School Tattoo Designs
Best Tattoo Designs for GirlsBest Tattoo Designs for Girls

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cherry Blosoom Tattoo Design

Cherry Blosoom Tattoo DesignCherry Blosoom Tattoo Design